Video | Running Toulousesarahbonne7Dec 7, 20171 min readExploring Toulouse, “La Ville Rose,” from the Basilique Saint-Sernin de Toulouse and Place du Capitole to the Canal du Midi, Chapelle Saint-Joseph de la Grave, and all the cobbled streets in between.#explore #BasiliqueSaintSernindeToulouse #Sports #triathlon #run #ChapelleSaintJosephdelaGrave #tourist #training #UrbanRun #CanalduMidi #Toulouse #lost #CityRun #PlaceduCapitole #video #France #Running #triathlete #French #Travel
Exploring Toulouse, “La Ville Rose,” from the Basilique Saint-Sernin de Toulouse and Place du Capitole to the Canal du Midi, Chapelle Saint-Joseph de la Grave, and all the cobbled streets in between.#explore #BasiliqueSaintSernindeToulouse #Sports #triathlon #run #ChapelleSaintJosephdelaGrave #tourist #training #UrbanRun #CanalduMidi #Toulouse #lost #CityRun #PlaceduCapitole #video #France #Running #triathlete #French #Travel